Contact us

Customer care hours: 
 – Friday: 12pm – 6pm


Get more answers here : Oziss Help Center

Please note:

Orders placed in the festive sale might see a delay of 5-7 days i delivery due to official staff being away for holidays and only rejoining us post Diwali. 

We're in the middle of a shifting our warehouse. A few orders might take longer than expected. Due to this transition, a few orders have been delayed in fulfilment.

The transiition can affect orders between 25 October and 25 November,2024. 

If you have any queries regarding your order or if you feel your oder have been impacted by the above, Please reach out to our support team, if you need help expedite the processing of your order.


Customer care hours: Monday – Friday: 12pm – 6pm

Email ID:
(For order related querries please e-mail us with the "order Number- Querry" in the subject of the mail. eg: "Order 150028- Exchange")

Customer care number: +91 9999175515, 8287262740